.. Installation Installation ============ Installing dependencies ----------------------- `splot` is compatible with Python `3.6`_ and `3.7`_ and depends on GeoPandas 0.4.0 or later and matplotlib 2.2.2 or later. Please make sure that you are operating in a Python 3 environment. splot also uses * numpy * seaborn * mapclassify * Ipywidgets Depending on your spatial analysis workflow and the PySAL objects you would like to visualize, splot relies on: PySAL >=2.0 or the installation of separate packages found in the PySAL stack: * esda * libpysal * spreg * giddy Installing the newest release ----------------------------- There are two ways of accessing splot. First, splot is installed with the PySAL 2.0 metapackage through: ```$ pip install -U pysal``` or ```$ conda install -c conda-forge pysal``` Second, splot can be installed as a separate package. If you are using Anaconda, install splot via the conda utility: ```$ conda install -c conda-forge splot``` Otherwise, you can install splot from PyPI with pip: ```$ pip install splot``` Troubleshooting --------------- Most common installation errors are due to splot's dependency on GeoPandas. It often helps to first install GeoPandas separately from conda-forge with: ```$ conda install --channel conda-forge geopandas``` before installing splot (preferably also from conda, alternatively from pip). For more information on troubleshooting the installation of GeoPandas with pip, see the `GeoPandas`_ docuemntation. It is also possible to install splot with a later Python version (>3.7) through the separate installation of GeoPandas or through installation with conda-forge. (Note that splot is currently only tested for Python version 3.6 and 3.7) Installing the development version ---------------------------------- Potentially, you might want to use the newest features in the development version of splot on github - `pysal/splot`_ while have not been incorporated in the Pypi released version. You can achieve that by installing `pysal/splot`_ by running the following from a command shell:: pip install git+https://github.com/pysal/splot.git You can also `fork`_ the `pysal/splot`_ repo and create a local clone of your fork. By making changes to your local clone and submitting a pull request to `pysal/splot`_, you can contribute to the splot development. .. _3.6: https://docs.python.org/3.6/ .. _3.7: https://docs.python.org/3.7/ .. _GeoPandas: http://geopandas.org/install.html .. _pysal/splot: https://github.com/pysal/splot .. _fork: https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/